
发布时间 : 2015/10/22点击量:


报告人:  戚益军教授   清华大学   国家杰青获得者




姓名: 戚益军
1991-1995          南京农业大学     本科
1995-1998          原浙江农业大学    硕士
1998-2001          浙江大学       博士
2001-2004          美国俄亥俄州立大学  博士后
2004-2006          美国冷泉港实验室   博士后
2006-2010         北京生命科学研究所     研究员
2010-2011         北京生命科学研究所     高级研究员
2011-现在         清华大学44118太阳成城集团    教授
2011-现在         清华北大生命科学联合中心  研究员
2013-现在         清华大学植物生物学研究中心 主任
Science, CellMolecular Cell, Nature Genetics, Genes and Development, The Plant Cell, Plant Physiology, PNAS, EMBO Journal, EMBO Report, The Plant Journal, Journal of Virology, Trends in Plant Science, Nucleic Acid Research, Genome Biology, Journal of Genetics and Genomics, Science China Life Sciences, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction, National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Science Foundation (USA)
2009-现在           浙江大学                           兼任教授
2010-现在           Journal of Genetics and Genomics   编委                    
2011-现在           BMC Plant Biology                  编委
2011-2013         Silence                             共同主编
2012-现在           Molecular Plant                    编委

2011-2016  科技部蛋白质重大研究计划,植物基因沉默与表观遗传分子机制 (#2012CB910900), 400万元,课题负责人
2013-2016  国家杰出青年基金,基因表达调控与表观遗传 (#31225015), 280万元,项目负责人
2014-2018  国家自然科学基金委重点项目,拟南芥Argonaute 1在细胞核内调控基因表达的机理 (#31330042), 300万元,项目负责人
2015-2020国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体项目,植物响应生物逆境的机理 (#31421001), 1200万元,学术带头人
Fang, X. and Qi, Y.* ( 2015) RNAi in plants: An Argonaute-centered view. The Plant Cell, invited review
Ye, R., Chen, Z., Lian, B., Rowley, M., Xia, N., Chai, J., Li, Y., Wierzbicki A., and Qi, Y. ( 2015) An alternative route for biogenesis of siRNAs that direct DNA methylation in Arabidopsis. under review.
Cui, Y., Fang, X., and Qi, Y.* ( 2015) Transportin 1 facilitates miRNA loading onto Argonaute 1 in Arabidopsis. under review
Li, Y., Ba, Z., Wei, W., Liu, M., and Qi, Y.* ( 2015) A role for phosphorylation of Ago2 in DNA double strand break repair. under review.
Fang, X., Cui, Y., Li, Y., and Qi, Y.* ( 2015) Transcription and processing of primary miRNAs are coupled by Elongator complex in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants, doi:10.1038/nplants.2015.75.
Fang, X., Lu, X., Chen, Z., and Qi, Y.* (2015) CMA33/XCT regulates small RNA production through modulating the transcription of Dicer-Like genes in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, 8:1227-1236.
Yang, Y.* and Qi, Y.* ( 2015) RNA-directed repair of DNA double-strand breaks. DNA Repair, 32:82-85.
Wu, J., Yang, Z., Wang, Y., Zheng, L., Ye, R., Ji, Y., Zhao, S., Ji, S., Liu, R., Xu, L., Zheng, H., Zhou, Y., Zhang, X., Cao, X., Xie, L., Wu, Z. *, Qi, Y.*, and Li, Y.* (2015) Viral-Inducible Argonaute18 confers broad-spectrum virus resistance in rice by sequestering a host microRNA. eLife, 10.7554/eLife.05733.
Gao, M. #, Wei, W. #, Li, M. #, Wu, Y., Ba, Z., Jin K.-X., Li, M.-M., Liao, Y.-Q., Adhikari S., Chong, Z., Zhang, T., Guo, C.-X., Tang, T.-S., Zhu, B.-T., Xu, X.-Z., Mailand, N., Yang, Y.*, Qi, Y.*, and Rendtlew Danielsen, J. (2014) Ago2 Facilitates Rad51 recruitment and DNA double-strand break repair by homologous recombination. Cell Research,24:532-541.
Li, J., Wu, Y., and Qi, Y.* (2014) MicroRNAs in a multicellular green alga Volvox carteri. Science China Life Sciences, 57: 36-45.
Ba, Z., and Qi, Y.* (2013) Small RNAs: Emerging key players in DNA double-strand break repair. Science China Life Sciences, 56: 933-936.
Zhong, S., Liu, J., Jin, H., Lin, L., Li, Q., Chen, Y., Yuan, Y., Wang, Z., Huang, H., Qi, Y., Chen. X., Vaucheret H., Chory J., Li, J., and He. Z.* (2013). Warm temperatures induce transgenerational epigenetic release of RNA silencing by inhibiting siRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis. PNAS, 110(22): 9171-9176.
Wu, X., Shi, Y., Li, J.,  Xu, L., Fang, Y., Li, X., and Qi, Y.* (2013). A role for the RNA-binding protein MOS2 in microRNA maturation in Arabidopsis. Cell Research,23: 645-657.
Ye, R. #, Wang, W. #, Iki, T., Liu, C., Wu, Y., Ishikawa M., Zhou, X., and Qi, Y.* (2012). Cytoplasmic assembly and selective nuclear import of Arabidopsis ARGONAUTE4/siRNA complexes. Molecular Cell, 46: 859-870.
Highlighted in Molecular Cell 46: 719-721, 2012    
Wei, W. #, Ba, Z. #, Gao, M., Wu, Y., Ma, Y., Amiard, S., White, C., Danielsen, J., Yang, Y., and Qi, Y.* (2012). A role for small RNAs in DNA double-strand break repair. Cell, 149:101-112.
Highlighted in Nature Review Genetics 13:299, 2012; Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 13: 282, 2012; and Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 19: 470, 2012
Recommended on Faculty of 1000 ( http://f1000.com/prime/14263986)
Wu, L.*, Mao, L., and Qi, Y. (2012) Roles of DICER-LIKE and ARGPNAUTE proteins in TAS-derived small interfering RNA-triggered DNA methylation. Plant Physiology, 160: 990-999.
Shen, H., He, H., Li, J., Chen, W., Wang, X., Guo, L., Peng, Z., He, G., Zhong, S., Qi, Y., Terzaghi, and W., Deng, X.* (2012) Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation and gene expression changes in two Arabidopsis ecotypes and their reciprocal hybrids. Plant Cell 24: 875-892.
Wang, W. #, Ye, R. #, Xin, Y., Feng, X., Li, C., Zhou, X., and Qi, Y.* (2011). An Importin β protein negatively regulates microRNA activity in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 23: 3565-3576. (Cover story)
Wang, Y., Itaya, A., Zhong, X., Wu, Y., Zhang, J., van der Knaap, E., Olmstead, R., Qi, Y., and Ding, B.* (2011). Function and evolution of a microRNA that regulates a Ca 2+-ATPase and triggers the formation of phased small interfering RNAs in tomato reproductive growth. The Plant Cell, 23:3185-3203.
Wu, L. #, Zhou, H. #, Zhang, Q., Ni, F., Liu, C., and Qi, Y.* (2010). DNA methylation mediated by a microRNA pathway. Molecular Cell, 38: 465-475. (Cover story)
Highlighted in Cell, 141: 556, 2010.
Li, Y., Zhang, Q., Zhang, J., Wu, L., Qi, Y., and Zhou, J.* (2010). Identification of miRNAs involved in Pathogen-Associated Molecular Pattern-triggered plant innate immunity. Plant Physiology, 152:2222-2231.
He, G., Zhu, X., Elling, A.A., Chen, L., Wang, X., Guo, L., Liang, M., He, H., Zhang, H., Chen, F., Qi, Y., Chen R., Deng, X.W.* (2010). Global epigenetic and transcriptional trends among two rice subspecies and their reciprocal hybrids. The Plant Cell, 22: 17-33.
Qi, Y.* and Mi, S. (2010). Purification of Arabidopsis Argonaute complexes and associated small RNAs. Methods in Molecular Biology, 592:243-254.
Wu, L., Zhang, Q., Zhou, H.,  Ni, F., Wu, X., and Qi, Y.* (2009). Rice microRNA effector complexes and targets. The Plant Cell, 21: 3421-3435.
Wei, B., Cai, T., Zhang, R., Li, A., Huo, N., Li, S., Gu, Y. Q., Vogel, J, Jia J., Qi, Y.*, Mao, L.* (2009). Novel microRNAs uncovered by deep sequencing of small RNA transcriptomes in bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) and Brachypodium distachyon (L.) Beauv. Functional and Integrative Genomics, 9: 499-511. (*co-corresponding authors)
Wang, X., Elling, A. A., Li, X., Li, N., Peng, Z., He, G., Sun, H., Qi, Y., Liu, S., Deng, X.W.* (2009). Genome-wide and organ-specific landscapes of epigenetic modifications and their relationships to mRNA and small RNA transcriptomes in maize. The Plant Cell, 21: 1053-1069.
Zhao, T., Wang, W., Bai, X., and Qi, Y.* (2009). Gene silencing by artificial microRNAs in Chlamydomonas. The Plant Journal, 58: 157-164.
Gruntman, E. #, Qi, Y. #, Slotkin, R., Roeder, T., Martienssen, R., and Sachidanandam, R.* (2008) Kismeth: Analyzer of plant methylation states through bisulfite sequencing. BMC Bioinformatics, 9:371. (*co-first authors)
Meyers, B.C.*, Axtell, M.J.*, Bartel, B., Bartel, D.P., Baulcombe, D., Bowman, J.L., Cao, X., Carrington, J.C., Chen, X., Green, P.J., Griffiths-Jones, S., Jacobsen, S.E., Mallory, A.C., Martienssen, R.A., Poethig, R.S., Qi, Y., Vaucheret, H., Voinnet, O., Watanabe, Y., Weigel, D., and Zhu, J.K. (2008). Criteria for annotation of plant microRNAs. The Plant Cell, 20: 3186-3190.
Mi, S. #, Cai, T. #, Hu Y., Chen Y., Hodges E., Ni F., Wu L., Li S., Zhou H., Long C., Chen S., Hannon G., and Qi, Y.* (2008) Sorting of small RNAs into Arabidopsis Argonaute complexes is directed by the 5’ terminal nucleotide. Cell, 133: 116-127.
This work was featured in Cell 133:25-26, 2008.
Zhao, T. #, Li, G. #, Mi, S., Li, S., Hannon, G., Wang, X.-J.*, and Qi, Y*. (2007). A complex system of small RNAs in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genes and Development, 29: 1190-1203. (*co-corresponding authors)
Highlighted in: Cell 129:1029, 2007; Genes and Development 21: 1153-1156, 2007; Nature 447: 5, 2007; Nature 447: 518, 2007; Nature Review Genetics 8: 406, 2007; ACS Chemical Biology 2: 436-437, 2007
Itaya, A., Zhong, X., Bundschuh, R., Qi, Y., Wang, Y., Takeda, R., Harris, A., Molina, C., Nelson, R. and Ding, B.* (2007) A structured viroid RNA serves as a substrate for Dicer-Like cleavage to produce biologically active small RNAs but is resistant to RNA-induced silencing complex-mediated degradation. Journal of Virology, 81: 2980-2994.
Qi, Y., He, X., Wang X-J., Kohany, O., Jurka, J. and Hannon, G.* (2006) Distinct catalytic and non-catalytic roles of ARGONAUTE4 in RNA-directed DNA methylation. Nature, 443: 1008-1012.
Zhong, X., Leontis, N., Qian, S., Itaya, A., Qi, Y., Boris-Lawrie, K. and Ding, B.* (2006) Tertiary structural and functional analyses of a viroid RNA motif by Isostericity Matrix and mutagenesis reveal its essential role in replication. Journal of Virology, 80: 8566-8581.
Qi, Y.*and Hannon, G*. (2005) Uncovering RNAi mechanisms in plants: Biochemistry enters the foray.   FEBS Letters, 579: 5899-5903. (*co-corresponding authors)
Qi, Y., Denli, A. and Hannon, G.* (2005). Biochemical specialization within Arabidopsis RNA  silencing pathways. Molecular Cell, 19: 421-428.
Qi, Y., Pélissier, T., Itaya, A., Hunt, E., Wassenegger, M. and Ding, B.* (2004). Direct role of a viroid RNA motif in mediating directional RNA trafficking across a specific cellular boundary. The Plant Cell, 16(6): 1741-1752.
Qi, Y.* Zhong, X., Itaya, A. and Ding, B.* (2004). Dissecting RNA silencing in protoplasts uncovers novel effects of viral suppressors on the silencing pathway at the cellular level. Nucleic Acids Research 32(22):e179.  (*co-corresponding authors)
Qi, Y. and Ding, B.* (2003). Differential subnuclear localization of RNA strands of opposite polarity    derived from an autonomously-replicating viroid. The Plant Cell, 15(11): 2566-2577.
Qi, Y. and Ding, B.* (2003). Inhibition of cell growth and shoot development by a specific nucleotide sequence in a noncoding viroid RNA. The Plant Cell ,15(6): 1360-1374.  
Ding, B., Itaya, A., and Qi, Y. (2003). Symplasmic protein and RNA traffic: regulatory points and regulatory factors. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 6(6): 596-602.
Qi, Y. and Ding, B.* (2002). Replication of Potato spindle tuber viroid in cultured cells of tobacco and Nicotiana benthamiana: the role of specific nucleotides in determining replication levels for host adaptation. Virology, 302: 445-456.
Qi, Y., Zhou, X.*, Huang, X., and Li, G. (2002). In vivo accumulation of Broad bean wilt virus 2 VP37 protein and its ability to bind single-stranded nucleic acids. Archives of Virology , 147(5): 917-928.
Zhu, Y., Qi, Y., Xun, Y., Owens, R., and Ding, B.* (2002). Movement of Potato spindle tuber viroid reveals regulatory points of phloem-mediated RNA traffic. Plant Physiology, 130(1): 138-146.
Itaya, A., Ma, F., Qi, Y., Matsuda, Y., Zhu, Y., Liang, G. and Ding, B.* (2002). Plasmodesma-mediated selective protein traffic between “symplasmically isolated” cells probed by a viral movement protein. The Plant Cell, 14(9): 2071-2083.
Xie, Y., Zhou, X., Zhang, Z., and Qi, Y. (2002). Tobacco curly shoot virus isolated in Yunnan is a distinct species of Begomovirus. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(3): 197-200.
Zhou, X., Xie, Y., Zhang, Z., Qi, Y. and Wu, J. (2001). Molecular characterization of a novel defective DNA isolated from tobacco tissues infected with Tobacco leaf curl virus. Acta Virologica, 45(1): 45-50.
Qi, Y., Zhou, X., and Li, D. (2000). Complete nucleotide sequence and infectious cDNA clone of the RNA1 of a Chinese isolate of Broad bean wilt virus 2. Virus Genes, 20(3): 201-207.
Qi, Y., Zhou, X., Xue, C., and Li, D. (2000). Nucleotide sequence and polyprotein processing sites of the RNA2 of a Chinese isolate of Broad bean wilt virus 2. Progress in Natural Science, 10(7): 680-686.
Qi, Y., Zhou, X., and Li, D. (2000). Characterization and RNA2 nucleotide sequence of Broad bean wilt virus isolate P158. Journal of Zhejiang University (Science), 1(4): 437-441.
Xue, C., Zhou, X., Chen, Q., Qi, Y., and Li, D. (2000). Rapid construction of full-length cDNA clones of Tobacco mosaic virus and the infectivity assays of their in vitro transcripts. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 32(3): 270-274.
Qing, L., Wu, J., Qi, Y., Zhou, X., and Li, D. (2000). Production of monocolonal antibodies against Broad bean wilt virus and their application in virus detection. Acta Microbiologica Sinica, 40(2): 166-173.
Li, F., Zhou, X., Qi, Y., and Li, D. (2000). Characterization of an isolate of Cucumber mosaic virus subgroup III collected from tobacco in Yunnan, China. Acta Microbiologica Sinica, 40(4): 346-351.
Xue, C., Zhou, X., Chen, Q., Qi, Y., and Li, D. (2000). Complete nucleotide sequence and genomic organization of a Chinese isolate of Tomato mosaic virus. Science in China, 43(2): 200-208.
Qi, Y., Zhou, X., and Li, D. (1999). Characterization of Broad bean wilt virus isolated from Glycine max. Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biologym, 5(1): 69-72.
Zhou, X. and Qi, Y. (1999). Extraction methods of genomic DNA of Cotton leaf curl virus from infected cotton leaves. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 7(2): 169-172.
Zhou, X., Yu, Y., Qi, Y., and Li, D. (1997). Detection of Broad bean wilt virus in fields by double-antibody-sandwich ELISA. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 26(4): 247-352.
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