【Postdoc ad_Li Ma_MD Anderson Cancer Center】

发布时间 : 2020/02/17点击量:

Postdoctoral positions at MD Anderson Cancer Center

我们02级校友姚帆,在MD Anderson Cancer Center,老板是Dr. Li Ma。他们实验室老板算是领域的先锋,现阶段经费也充足,正是合适来的时候。可以直接和Dr. Li Ma 联系。也可以姚帆yaofan017@gmail.com

Postdoctoral Fellow positions are available in Dr. Li Ma’s laboratory at MD Anderson Cancer Center (https://faculty.mdanderson.org/profiles/li_ma.html). Since its founding in 2010, the Ma Lab has played a major role in establishing models of microRNA-mediated regulation of metastasis, epithelialmesenchymal transition, and therapy resistance (Nature Medicine 2012, PLoS Genetics 2014, Nature Communications 2014, Cancer Research 2016, etc), and in rectifying models of long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) regulation of metastasis (Nature Genetics 2018 – a paradigm-shifting study that establishes the framework for rigorous characterization of lncRNAs). In addition to RNA-related research, the Ma Lab also discovered the deubiquitinases for key cancer proteins; some of these deubiquitinases are promising anti-tumor and anti-metastatic targets (Nature Cell Biology 2013, Nature Cell Biology 2014, Cell Reports 2018, Nature Communications 2018, etc). Our work has been confirmed and cited by many groups (Dr. Ma’s Google Scholar citations: >11,000 as of 12/2019). Multiple former postdocs from this lab have landed independent faculty positions.

The overarching goal of the Ma Lab is to understand the molecular mechanisms of tumor progression, metastasis, and cancer therapy resistance. Specifically, Dr. Ma’s team is: (1) establishing new paradigms for RNA functions and mechanisms (non-coding RNAs, RNA epigenetics, and RNA-binding proteins) in tumor progression and metastasis; (2) screening for deubiquitinating enzymes that promote tumorigenesis, metastasis, and therapy resistance; (3) investigating novel regulators and regulations of tumor radioresistance and drug resistance; and (4) studying the role of specific developmental regulators in cancer, metabolism, and regeneration by using genetically engineered mouse models generated in Dr. Ma’s lab.

We consider highly motivated and creative candidates with a recently obtained Ph.D. degree and strong first-author publications. For those interested, please send a CV, three letters of recommendation, and a research statement (limalab2018@gmail.com).

MD Anderson is the number one cancer center in cancer care in the United States by the U.S. News and World Report’s “America’s Best Hospitals” survey. It ranks 1st in the number of awarded grants from National Cancer Institute. It offers active graduate and postdoctoral training programs and the unmatched scientific environment of the Texas Medical Center, the world’s largest biomedical center. MD Anderson is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Houston is the 4th largest city in the United States with relatively low living cost and no state or city income tax.

Li Ma, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Experimental Radiation Oncology – Unit 1052

Houston, TX 77030-4009


1515 HOLCOMBE BOULEVARD—HOUSTON, TEXAS 77030-4009—713-792-2121—www.mdanderson.org

A Comprehensive Cancer Center designated by the National Cancer Institute located in the Texas Medical Center

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