NCI有全美最好的cancer research training,最高的博士后工资五万起,每年加五千,五年全免税的,纯收入,而且我们实验室经费非常充足,所有试剂盒随便买,从来不配任何溶液,连纯水都是买瓶装的。
Laboratory of Human Carcinogenesis
Multiple Positions Available:
pancreatic cancer pathogenesis
A postdoctoral position is available to investigate the underlying mechanisms of pancreatic cancer progression and to identify candidate molecular targets with potential therapeutic significance. Our research program focuses on the role of inflammatory signaling pathways and metabolic reprogramming in tumor progression and disease aggressiveness using integrative biology translational research strategy which involves the analysis of clinical biospecimens and use of mouse as well as patients-dericed preclinical models of pancreatic cancer.
We seek a creative and self-motivated candidate with a strong background in cell/molecular biology, preclinical animal models and basic bioinformatics training. Prior experience in metabolomics and data mining is desirable.
Number of References Required:
Applicants should possess a Ph.D. or M.D. degree and less than 4 years of postdoctoral experience.
Please send a cover letter, up-to-date CV with bibliography and the names and contact information of 3 references to:
S. Perwez Hussain, Ph.D.
Senior Investigator
Head, Pancreatic Cancer Section
Laboratory of Human Carcinogenesis
Bldg. 37, Room 3044B
National Cancer Institute, NIH
Bethesda, MD 20892
Phone: 240-760-7776
Email: hussainp@nih.gov
HHS, NIH, and NCI are Equal Opportunity Employers
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