【Drexel University College of Medicine (DUCOM)博士后招聘】

发布时间 : 2017/06/06点击量:

余老师您好,我是咱们学校10级的学生安泰,我现在导师的朋友(Dr. Hangjun Ke)想在我们招一个近两年毕业的博士(应届毕业生优先)去美国做博后,您能不能在咱们学院的博士群里把这个信息转发一下,谢谢.


A postdoctoral fellow position is available immediately in the laboratory of Dr. Hangjun Ke in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology in Drexel University College of Medicine (DUCOM) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Dr. Ke received a NIH career transition award to fund this position. The primary focus of Dr. Ke’s laboratory is the mitochondria of protozoa. We have characterized many pathways within the mitochondrion of malaria parasite using the most updated genetic, genomic, and biochemical approaches. Malaria is a leading infectious disease of the world, causing millions of clinical cases and half a million deaths each year. The mitochondrion of malaria parasite is an essential organelle of the parasite throughout its entire lifecycle. The parasite’s mitochondrion is highly divergent from the human mitochondrion. Thus the parasite mitochondrion is an ideal antimalarial drug target. We are also interested in the mitochondria of Tetrahymena, a free living ciliate that is related to malaria parasites. We are curious how these ancient mitochondria maintain their functions, how do they communicate with the host cells, and how do they develop and divide in different lifecycle stages. Our research goal is to identify essential pathways of the malarial mitochondrion and to develop antimalarial drugs.


1). The candidate has earned a Ph.D. in the last two years. A fresh Ph.D. is preferred.

2). Candidate is highly motivated, with a strong commitment to science.

3). Preference will be given to individuals with a strong background in molecular cloning, plasmid construction, and tissue culture. Proficiency in basic molecular biology techniques such as DNA/RNA/protein analysis, PCR and derivative methods, IFA, and others, is required.

4). Ability to read English literature and write manuscripts in English. Good communication skills.

5). Has published at least one SCI paper.

This position is eligible for full-time benefits. A J1 working visa will be issued to international applicants.

To apply: Please send CV, a summary of past research accomplishments (<2 pages), a short statement of research and career goals (1 page), and contact information for three references to: hke@drexelmed.edu. please use “postdoc applicant” as your email subject.

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