Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at El Paso招聘博士后一名,导师为我们博士毕业生。
If you know somebody who is looking for a position, and will be available soon
(The best time is around July), please recommend him or her to me. Of course
I hope he or she is productive and hard-working, but I won’t push too much. This position is supported by NIH RO1, so
I will pay according NIH guideline ($48,000 for fresh postdoc).
I expect that he or she has virology/immunology background, also I expect that
he or she has expertise on animal model and flow cytometry, but it is not necessary.
He or she will be investigating HIV immunopathogenesis. In particular, he or she
will study a novel immune molecule, PD-1H, and its function in HIV chronic immune activation. In addition, he or she will
also have chance to participate other projects such delivery of gene editing
components (CRISPR Cas9/ZFNs) to primary immune cells for gene or cell therapy,
or Zika virus vaccine development.
If someone is interested in, and appropriate for this position, please let him or
her contact me at g.yi@ttuhsc.edu. (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
at El Paso)
Thank you so much.
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