2006.09-2012.07 北京大学 生理学 博士
2002.09-2006.07 山东大学 生命科学基地班 学士
2021.04 至今 太阳集团44118备用址 研究员
2018.10-2021.03 洛克菲勒大学 Research Associate
2013.10-2018.09 洛克菲勒大学 Postdoctoral Associate
2012.09-2013.09 北京大学 博士后
蛋白质降解是维持蛋白质稳态平衡、保持细胞和机体健康的关键过程。作为降解损伤和多余蛋白质的主要通路,泛素-蛋白酶体通路(Ubiquitin Proteasome System,UPS)广泛参与蛋白质量控制、细胞周期调控、免疫反应和转录调节等多种生物学过程。同时,UPS异常与众多人类重大疾病的发生密切相关,比如神经退行性疾病、癌症和自身免疫病等。本课题组的研究旨在揭示泛素-蛋白酶体通路调控的新机制,并探究其在神经退行等疾病中的作用。
1. Yanyan Cao, Kai Liu, Ying Xiong, Chunyue Zhao* & Lei Liu* (2021). Increased expression of fragmented tRNA promoted neuronal necrosis. Cell Death & Disease 12(9):823.
2. Kai Liu, Sandra Jones, Adi Minis, Jose Rodriguez, Henrik Molina, & Hermann Steller* (2019). PI31 is an adaptor protein for proteasome transport in axons and required for synaptic development. Developmental Cell 50(4): 509-524.
[Recommended by F1000, https://f1000.com/prime/736229720 (2019)]
3. Adi Minis#, Jose Rodriguez#, Avi Levin#, Kai Liu, Eve-Ellen Govek, Mary E. Hatten* & Hermann Steller* (2019). The proteasome regulator PI31 is required for protein homeostasis, synapse maintenance, and neuronal survival in mice. PNAS 116(49): 24639–24650.
4. Ye Lei, Kai Liu, Lin Hou, Lianggong Ding, Yuhong Li & Lei Liu* (2017). Small chaperons and autophagy protected neurons from necrotic cell death. Sci. Rep. 7:5650.
5. Lin Hou, Kai Liu, Yuhong Li, Shuang Ma, Xunming Ji* & Lei Liu* (2016). Necrotic pyknosis is a morphologically and biochemically distinct event from apoptotic pyknosis. J Cell Sci. 129(16): 3084-3090.
6. Kai Liu, Lianggong Ding, Yuhong Li, Hui Yang, Chunyue Zhao, Ye Lei, Shuting Han, Wei Tao, Dengshun Miao, Hermann Steller, Michael J. Welsh* & Lei Liu* (2014). Neuronal necrosis is regulated by a conserved chromatin-modifying cascade. PNAS 111(38): 13960-13965.
[Commented in Stroke 45:e247-e248 (2014)]
7. Kai Liu, Yuhong Li & Lei Liu* (2013). Modeling Calcium-Overload Mediated Necrosis in Drosophila. Methods in Molecular Biology 1004:203-213.