1991-1995 北京师范大学44118太阳成城集团 理学学士
1995-2000 中国科学院遗传发育研究所 理学博士
2000-2005 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校 博士后研究助理
2005-2014 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所 博士生导师
2014-2015 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所 所长助理
2015-2017 中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所 副所长/学术委员会主任
2017-2019 中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所 副所长/学术委员会主任/植物分子遗传国家重点实验室主任
2019-2024 中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心 副主任(副局级)/学术委员会主任/植物分子遗传国家重点实验室主任
2024- 44118太阳成城集团 杂交水稻全国重点实验室(武汉)主任
长期研究植物离子运输及定向分配的分子机理,旨在解决植物营养高效和重金属污染植物修复的基础理论问题。聚焦矿质营养成份硝酸盐随环境因素而在植物源库间动态分布的生理现象,阐释碳氮代谢耦联与解耦联的分子机理;针对镉大米等国家重大食品安全威胁,系统研究重金属镉在水稻体内的吸收与定向分配机制。创立了中国植物生理与分子生物学学会的植物修复生物学专业委员会并任首任主任至今;开辟了硝酸根再分配调控植物环境适应性(SINAR)的研究领域,提出了“高碳低氮植物”及重金属“修复型作物”的概念并开展了系统攻关,提出了“液泡分隔容量调控”以及“SINAR编辑”等可实际应用于农作物改造的学术概念。成果在Nature Biotech, Nature Communications, Molecular Plant,Plant Cell, PNAS等国际一流期刊发表,多篇入选ESI“高被引”论文。主持过973、863、中科院战略性先导(B)专项、转基因专项以及自然科学基金等国家重点科研计划。
科技创新2030项目, 2023.12-2025.12,水稻重金属阻控基因挖掘与育种价值评价,参与。
(1) Gu T-Y, et al., ……and Gong JM* (2024) An endophytic fungus interacts with the defensin-like protein OsCAL1 to regulate cadmium allocation in rice. Molecular Plant. 17: 312-324
(2) Gu T-Y, et al., ……and Gong JM* (2023) Dual function DEFENSIN 8 mediates phloem cadmium unloading and accumulation in rice grain. Plant Physiology. 191: 515-527.
(3) Guan Y, et al., ……and Gong JM* (2022) The nitrate transporter OsNPF7.9 mediates nitrate allocation and the divergent nitrate use efficiency between indica and japonica rice. Plant Physiology. 189: 215-229
(4) Peng J-S et al., ……and Gong JM* (2021) Galactosylation of rhamnogalacturonan-II for cell wall pectin biosynthesis is critical for root apoplastic iron reallocation in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant. 14:1640-1651
(5) Luo J-S, et al., ……and Gong JM* (2018) A defensin-like protein drives cadmium efflux and allocation in rice. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-03088-0
(6) Peng J-S, et al., ……and Gong JM* (2017) A pivotal role of cell wall in Cd accumulation in the Crassulaceae hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola. Molecular Plant 10: 771-774
(7) Meng S, et al., ……and Gong JM* (2016) Arabidopsis NRT1.5 mediates the suppression of nitrate starvation-induced leaf senescence by modulating foliar potassium level. Molecular Plant 9: 461-470
(8) Zhang G-B, Yi H-Y, Gong J-M* (2014) The Arabidopsis ethylene/jasmonic acid-NRT signaling module coordinates nitrate reallocation and the trade-off between growth and environmental adaptation. Plant Cell 26: 3984-3998
(9) Fu Y-L, et al., ……and Gong JM* (2013) Arabidopsis histone methylase CAU1/PRMT5/SKB1 acts as an epigenetic suppressor of the calcium signaling gene CAS to mediate stomatal closure in response to extracellular calcium. Plant Cell 25:2878-2891.
(10) Chen CZ, et al., and Gong JM* (2012) Arabidopsis NRT1.5 is another essential component in the regulation of nitrate reallocation and stress tolerance. Plant Physiology. 159: 1582-1590
(11) Huang J, et al., ……and Gong JM*. (2012) Fission yeast HMT1 lowers seed cadmium through phytochelatin-dependent vacuolar sequestration in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 158:1779-1788
(12) Zhang Y, et al., ……and Gong JM* (2012) Vacuolar membrane transporters OsVIT1 and OsVIT2 modulate iron translocation between flag leaves and seeds in rice. Plant Journal. 72:400-410
(13) Li J-Y, et al., ……and Gong JM* (2010) The Arabidopsis nitrate transporter NRT1.8 functions in nitrate removal from the xylem sap and mediates cadmium tolerance. Plant Cell. 22: 1633-1646
(14) Gong J-M, et al., …… and Schroeder JI*. (2004) Microarray-based rapid cloning of an ion accumulation deletion mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana. PNAS 101, 15404-15409.
(15) Gong J-M, et al., …… and Schroeder JI*. (2003) Long-distance root-to-shoot transport of phytochelatins and cadmium in Arabidopsis. PNAS 100 (17): 10118-10123.