











1976年12月 至1979年12月, 华中农业大学农学系 农学专业





1994年01月至1995年01月,英国诺丁汉大学植物科学系,Marie Curie Fellowship博士后



2002年1月-3月,美国Rutgers University,访问教授

1999年-2004年,44118太阳成城集团 院长

2011年- 2017年,太阳集团44118备用址杂交水稻国家重点实验室 主任




中国遗传学会常务理事 (2013-2023)



何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖( 2023)

国家技术发明奖二等奖( 2020)

湖北省技术发明奖一等奖( 2017)

大北农科技奖特等奖( 2011)

湖北省自然科学奖一等奖( 2008)

















国家转基因生物重大专项:水稻抗褐飞虱基因克隆 2011ZX08001-001B,(2011-2015),项目负责人


  水稻是我国最重要的粮食作物,也是植物生物学研究的模式物种。褐飞虱是水稻单食性害虫,具有迁飞性、暴发性和抗药性的特点,常常造成水稻的重大产量损失。我们实验室一直专注水稻抗褐飞虱的研究,取得如下成果:1.从野生稻和传统农家种中发掘天然抗虫基因,克隆了国际第一个抗褐飞虱基因 Bph14,并持续克隆11个抗褐飞虱基因;揭示了水稻抗褐飞虱遗传基础,为我国水稻育种提供了急需的抗褐飞虱基因。2. 在水稻抗褐飞虱分子机理方面,发现了水稻抗褐飞虱基因编码细胞膜受体或胞内受体;首次鉴定了被植物受体识别的昆虫唾液蛋白,揭示了细胞自噬精细调控抗虫性的机制;揭示了BPH6-EXO70-SAMSL和BPH14-WRKY46-RLCK281等抗虫信号通路;揭示了抗性水稻强化细胞壁或堵塞筛管、抑制褐飞虱取食的抗虫机制。3. 通过杂交育种,转育野生稻抗褐飞虱基因创制了广泛应用的新种质,创制了双基因聚合抗虫性更强的恢复系;开发抗褐飞虱基因分子标记应用于育种材料选择,解决了抗褐飞虱育种技术难点。4. 实验室建立了大规模褐飞虱饲养与精准抗虫鉴定技术体系,制定技术规程,承担全国水稻品种区试褐飞虱抗性鉴定任务。研究成果发表SCI 论文100余篇,代表性论文发表在Nature、Nature Genetics、PNAS等权威学术刊物上,引领作物抗虫学科领域的发展;入选“中国高被引学者”榜单。获发明专利授权25项。抗褐飞虱基因Bph6,Bph9,Bph14,Bph1,5,Bph30及其种质和分子标记得到广泛利用,促进我国水稻抗褐飞虱育种实现了零的突破;隆平高科等单位培育了一批抗褐飞虱的高产优质新品种在生产中大面积应用,为褐飞虱的绿色防控提供了支撑。


1. Guo J, Wang H, Guan W, Guo Q, Wang J, Yang J, Peng Y, Shan J, Gao M, Shi S, Shangguan X, Liu B, Jing S, Zhang J, Xu C, Huang J, Rao W, Zheng X, Wu D, Zhou C, Du B, Chen R, Zhu L, Zhu YX, Linda L. Walling, Zhang QF, He GC (2023) A tripartite rheostat controls self-regulated host plant resistance to insects. Nature 618, 799–807.

2. He GC* (2022) Engineering chloroplasts for insect pest control. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(22): e2205125119

3. Wu D, Guo J, Zhang Q, Shi S, Guan W, Zhou C, Chen R, Du B, Zhu L, He GC* (2022) Necessity of rice resistance to planthoppers for OsEXO70H3 regulating SAMSL excretion and lignin deposition in cell walls. New Phytologist 234:1031–1046

4. Zhang Q, Li T, Gao M, Ye M, Lin M, Wu D, Guo J, Guan W, Wang J, Yang K, Zhu L, Cheng Y, Du B, He GC* (2022). Transcriptome and metabolome profiling reveal the resistance mechanisms of rice against brown planthopper. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23. 4083. 10.3390/ijms23084083.

5. Guan W, Shan J, Gao M, Guo J, Wu D, Zhang Q, Wang J, Chen R, Du B, Zhu L, He GC* (2022). Bulked segregant RNA sequencing revealed difference between virulent and avirulent brown planthoppers. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:843227

6. Shi S, Wang H, Nie L, Tan D, Zhou C, Zhang Q, Li Y, Du B, Guo, J, Huang J, Wu D, Zheng X, Guan W, Shan J, Zhu L, Chen R, Xue L, Walling L, He GC* (2021) Bph30 confers resistance to brown planthopper by fortifying sclerenchyma in rice leaf sheath. Molecular Plant 14(10):1714-1732.

7. Zhou C, Zhang Q, Chen Y, Yang F, Fu X, Du B, Zhu L, Chen R, Li Z, Yuan L, He GC* (2021) Balancing selection and wild gene pool contribute to resistance in global rice germplasm against planthopper. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 63:1695-1711.

8. Zheng X, Zhu L and He GC (2021) Genetic and molecular understanding of host rice resistance and Nilaparvata lugens adaptation. Current Opinion in Insect Science 45:14–20

9. Zheng X, Xin Y, Peng Y, Shan J, Zhang N, Wu D, Guo J, Huang J, Guan W, Shi S, Zhou C, Chen R, Du B, Zhu L, Yang F, Fu X, Yuan L, He GC (2020). Lipidomic analyses reveal enhanced lipolysis in planthoppers feeding on resistant host plants. Sci China Life Sci. 64: 1502–1521.

10. Bo Du, Rongzhi Chen, Jianping Guo, Guangcun He (2020) Current understanding of the genomic, genetic, and molecular control of insect resistance in rice. Molecular Breeding 40: 24

11. Zhang J, Guan W, Huang C, Hu Y, Chen Y, Guo J, Zhou C, Chen R, Du B, Zhu L, Huanhan D., He, GC (2019) Combining next-generation sequencing and single-molecule sequencing to explore brown planthopper responses to contrasting genotypes of japonica rice. BMC Genomics 20, 682

12. Rao W, Zheng X, Liu B, Guo Q, Guo J, Wu Y, Shangguan X, Wang H, Wu D, Wang Z, Hu L, Xu C, Jiang W, Huang J, Shi S, He GC (2019) Secretome Analysis and in Planta Expression of Salivary Proteins Identify Candidate Effectors from Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 32(2): 227–239

13. Wang HY, Shi SJ, Guo Q, Nie LY, Du D, Chen RZ, Zhu LL, He GC (2018) High-resolution mapping of a gene conferring strong antibiosis to brown planthopper and developing resistant near-isogenic lines in 9311 background. Molecular Breeding 38:107

14. Guo JP, Xu CX, Wu D, Zhao Y, Qiu YF, Wang X, Ouyang YD, Cai B, Liu X, Jing SL, Shangguan XX, Wang HY, Ma YH, Hu L, Wu Y, Shi SJ, Wang W, Zhu LL, Xu X, Chen RZ, Feng YQ, Du B, He GC (2018) Bph6 encodes an exocyst-localized protein and confers broad resistance to planthoppers in rice. Nature Genetics 50(2):297-306.

15. Shangguan XX, Zhang J, Liu BF, Zhao Y, Wang HY, Wang ZZ, Guo JP, Rao WW, Jing SL, Guan W, Ma YH, Wu Y, Hu L, Chen RZ, Du B, Zhu LL, Yu DZ, He GC (2018) A mucin-like protein of planthopper is required for feeding and induces immunity response in plants. Plant Physiology 176(1):552-565.

16. Hu L, Wu Y, Wu D, Rao WW, Guo JP, Ma YH, Wang ZZ, Shangguan XX, Wang HY, Xu CX, Huang J, Shi SJ, Chen RZ, Du B, Zhu LL, He GC (2017) The coiled-coil and nucleotide binding domains of BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE14 function in signaling and resistance against planthopper in rice. Plant Cell 29(12):3157-3185.

17. Peng L, Zhao Y, Wang HY, Song C, Shangguan XX, Ma YH, Zhu LL, He GC (2017) Functional study of cytochrome P450 enzymes from the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål) to analyze its adaptation to BPH-resistant rice. Frontiers in Physiology 8:972.

18. Ma Y, Zhao Y, Shangguan X, Shi S, Zeng Y, Wu Y, Chen R, You A, Zhu LL, Du B, He GC (2017) Overexpression of OsRRK1 Changes Leaf Morphology and Defense to Insect in Rice. Frontiers in Plant Science 8:1783.

19. Wu Y, Lv W, Hu L, Rao W, Zeng Y, Zhu L, He Y, He GC (2017) Identification and analysis of brown planthopper-responsive microRNAs in resistant and susceptible rice plants. Scientific Reports 7(1):8712.

20. Jing SL, Zhao Y, Du B, Chen RZ, Zhu LL, He GC (2017) Genomics of interaction between the brown planthopper and rice. Current Opinion in Insect Science 19 :82–87.

21. Peng L, Zhao Y, Wang HY, Zhang JJ, Song CP, Shangguan XX, Zhu LL, He GC (2016) Comparative metabolomics of the interaction between rice and the brown planthopper. Metabolomics 12: 132.

22. Zhao Y, Huang J, Wang ZZ, Jing SL, Wang Y, Ouyang YD, Cai BD, Xin XF, Liu X, Zhang CX, Pan YF, Ma R, Li QF, Jiang WH, Zeng Y, Shangguan XX, Wang HY, Du B, Zhu LL, Xu X, Feng YQ, He SY, Chen RZ, Zhang QF, He GC (2016) Allelic diversity in an NLR gene BPH9 enables rice to combat planthopper variation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113:12850–12855.

23. Du B, Wei Z, Wang ZQ, Wang XX, Peng XX, Du B, Chen RZ, Zhu LL, He GC (2015) Phloem-exudate proteome analysis of response to insect brown planthopper in rice. Journal of Plant Physiology 183: 13–22.

24. Lv L, Peng XX, Jing SL, Liu BF, Zhu LL, He GC (2015) Intraspecific and interspecific variations in the mitochondrial genomes of Nilaparvata (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 108(2015) 2021 –2029.

25. Lv WT, Du B, Shangguan XX, Zhao Y, Pan YF, Zhu LL, He YQ, He GC (2014) BAC and RNA sequencing reveal the brown planthopper resistance gene BPH15 in a recombination cold spot that mediates a unique defense mechanism. BMC Genomics 2014 15:674.

26. Qiu YF, Guo JP, Jing SL, Zhu LL, He GC (2014) Fine mapping of the rice brown planthopper resistance gene BPH7 and characterization of its resistance in the 93-11 background. Euphytica 198:369–379.

27. Cheng XY, Wu Y, Guo JP, Du B, Chen RZ, Zhu LL, He GC (2013) A rice lectin receptor-like kinase that is involved in innate immune responses also contributes to seed germination. Plant Journal 76, 687–698.

28. Zhou QY, Yu Q, Wang ZQ, Pan YF, Lv WT, Zhu LL, Chen RZ, He GC (2013) Knockdown of GDCH gene reveals reactive oxygen species-induced leaf senescence in rice. Plant Cell and Environment 36, 1476–1489.

29. Cheng XY, Zhu LL, He GC (2013) Towards understanding of Molecular interactions between rice and the brown planthopper. Molecular Plant 6: 621-634.

30. Zhou JB, Zhang YM, Lü HY, You AQ, Zhu LL, He GC (2012) Transmission of important chromosomal regions under selection revealed in rice pedigree breeding programs Molecular Breeding 30: 717-729.

31. Jing S, Liu B, Peng L, Peng X, Zhu L, Fu Q, He GC (2012) Development and use of EST-SSR markers for assessing genetic diversity in the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål). Bulletin of Entomological Research 102: 113-122.

32. Jing SL, Zhou X, Yu HJ, Liu BF, Zhang CX, Wang SZ, Peng XX, Zhu LL, Ding Y, He GC (2012) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers from brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål). International Journal of Molecular Sciences 13: 9527-9533.

33. Qiu YF, Guo JP, Jing SL, Zhu LL, He GC (2012) Development and characterization of japonica rice lines carrying the brown planthopper-resistance genes BPH12 and BPH6. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 124: 485-494.

34. Qiu YF, Guo JP, Jing SL, Tang M, Zhu LL, He GC (2011) Identification of antibiosis and tolerance in rice varieties carrying brown planthopper resistance genes. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 141: 224–231.

35. Peng XX, Zha WJ, He RF, Lu TT, Zhu LL, Han B, He GC (2011) Pyrosequencing the midgut transcriptome of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens. Insect Molecular Biology 20(6), 745–762.

36. Hu J, Zhou JB, Peng XX, Xu HX, Liu CX, Du B, Yuan HY, Zhu LL, He GC (2011) The Bphi008a gene interacts with the ethylene pathway and transcriptionally regulates MAPK genes in the response of rice to brown planthopper feeding. Plant Physiology 156: 856–872.

37. Zha WJ, Peng XX, Chen RZ, Du B, Zhu LL, He GC (2011) Knockdown of midgut genes by dsRNA-transgenic plant-mediated RNA interference in the Hemipteran insect Nilaparvata lugens. PLoS ONE 6: e20504.

38. Wan LL, Zha WJ, Cheng XY, Liu C, Lu L, Liu CX, Wang ZQ, Du B, Chen R, Zhu LL,He GC (2011) A rice β-1,3-glucanase gene Osg1 is required for callose degradation in pollen development. Planta 233:309-323.

39. Liu CX, Hao FH, Hu J, Zhang WL, Wan LL, Zhu LL, Tang HR, He GC (2010) Revealing different systems responses to brown planthopper infestation for pest susceptible and resistant rice plants with the combined metabonomic and gene-expression analysis. Journal of Proteome Research 9: 6774–6785.

40. Qiu YF, Guo JP, Jing SL, Zhu LL, He GC (2010) High-resolution mapping of the brown planthopper resistance gene Bph6 in rice and characterizing its resistance in the 9311 and Nipponbare near isogenic backgrounds. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 121:1601-1611.

41. Tang M, Lv L, Jing SL, Zhu LL, He GC (2010) Bacterial symbionts of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76:1740–1745.

42. Du B, Zhang WL, Liu BF, Hu J, Wei Z, Shi ZY, He RF, Zhu LL, Chen RZ, Han B, He GC (2009) Identification and characterization of Bph14, a gene conferring resistance to brown planthopper in rice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106:22163-22168.

43. Wei Z, Hu W, Lin Q, Cheng XY, Tong MJ, Zhu LL, Chen RZ, He GC (2009) Understanding rice plant resistance to the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens): A proteomic approach. Proteomics 9:2798-2808.

44. Chen RZ, Pan YF, Wang Y, Zhu LL, He GC (2009) Temperature-sensitive splicing is an important molecular regulation mechanism of thermosensitive genic male sterility in rice. Chinese Science Bulletin 54: 2354-2362.

45. Hao PY, Liu CX, Wang YY, Chen RZ, Tang M, Du B, Zhu LL, He GC (2008) Herbivore-induced callose deposition on the sieve plates of rice: an important mechanism for host resistance. Plant Physiology 146: 1810-1820.

46. Wang YY, Wang XL, Yuan HY, Chen RZ, Zhu LL, He RF, He GC (2008) Responses of two contrasting genotypes of rice to brown planthopper. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 20: 122-132.

47. Li G, Hu W, Qin R, Jin HJ, Tan GX, Zhu LL, He GC (2008) Simple sequence repeat analyses of interspecific hybrids and MAALs of Oryza officinalis and Oryza sativa. Genetica 134:169-180

48. Jin HJ, Hu W, Wei Z, Wan LL, Li G, Tan GX, Zhu LL, He GC (2008) Alterations in cytosine methylation and species-specific transcription induced by interspecific hybridization between Oryza sativa and O. officinalis. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 117:1271-9.

49. Wang YC, Tang M, Hao PY, Yang ZF, Zhu LL, He GC (2008) Penetration into rice tissues by brown planthopper and fine structure of the salivary sheaths. Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata 129: 295-307.

50. Chen RZ, Zhao X, Shao Z, Wei Z, Wang YY, Zhu LL, Zhao J, Sun MX, He RF, He GC (2007) Rice UDP-Glucose pyrophosphorylase1 is essential for pollen callose deposition and its cosuppression results in a new type of thermosensitive genic male sterility. Plant Cell 19: 847-861.

51. Yang ZF, Yang HY, He GC (2007) Cloning and Characterization of Two Cytochrome P450 CYP6AX1 and CYP6AY1 cDNAs From Nilaparvata lugens Stål (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 64:88-99.

52. Chen RZ, Zhao X, Shao Z, Zhu LL, He GC (2007) Multiple isoforms of UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase in rice. Physiologia Plantarum 129: 725-736.

53. You AQ, Lu XG, Jin HJ, Ren X, Liu K, Yang GC, Yang HY, Zhu LL, and He GC (2006) Identification of QTLs across recombinant inbred lines and testcross populations for traits of agronomic importance in rice. Genetics 172: 1287-1300.

54. Xiong ZY, Tan GX, He GY, He GC Song YC (2006) Cytogenetic comparisons between A and G genomes in Oryza using genomic in situ hybridization. Cell Research 16: 260-266.

55. Yang ZF, Zhang FT, You AQ, Yang HY, Zhu LL, He GC (2006) Identification of differentially expressed genes in brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål.) feeding on rice plants with different resistant levels. Bulletin of Entomological Research 96: 53-59.

56. Lan WZ, Qin R, Li G, He GC (2006) Comparative analysis of A, B, C and D genomes in the genus Oryza with Cot-1 DNA of C genome. Chinese Science Bulletin 51: 1710-1720.

57. Tan GX, Xiong ZY, Jin HJ, Li G, Zhu LL, Shu LH, He GC (2006) Characterization of interspecific hybrids between Oryza sativa L. and three wild rice species of China by Genomic In Situ Hybridization. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48:1077-1083.

58. Jin HJ, Tan GX, Brar DS, Tang M, Li G, Zhu LL, He GC (2006) Molecular and cytogenetic characterization of an Oryza officinalisO. sativa chromosome 4 addition line and its progenies. Plant Molecular Biology 62: 769-777.

59. Yang ZF, Zhang FT, Zhu LL, He GC (2005) Molecular dynamics of detoxification and toxin-tolerance genes in brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål. Homoptera: Delphacidae) feeding on resistant rice plants. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 59:59-66.

60. Yuan HY, Chen XP, Zhu LL, He GC (2005) Identificaion of genes responsive to brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens stål (Homoptera: Delphacidae) feeding in rice. Planta 221: 105-112.

61. Tan GX, Jin HJ, Li G, He RF, Zhu LL, He GC (2005) Production and characterization of a complete set of individual chromosome additions from Oryza officinalis to Oryza sativa using RFLP and GISH analyses. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 111:1585-1595.

62. Wang XL, He RF, He GC (2005) Construction and identification of brown planthopper-induced suppression subtractive hybridization library of rice. Journal of Plant Physiology 162:1254-1262.

63. Zhang FT, Zhu LL, He GC (2004) Differential gene expression in response to brown planthopper feeding in rice. Journal of Plant Physiology 161:53-62.

64. Yuan HY, Chen XP, Zhu LL, He GC (2004) Isolation and characterization of a novel rice gene encoding a putative insect-inducible protein homologous to wheat Wir1. Journal of Plant Physiology 161:79-85.

65. Tan GX, Huang Z, Weng QM, Ren X, Zhu LL, He GC (2004) Two whitebacked planthopper resistance genes shared the same genomic intervals with brown planthopper resistance genes. Heredity 92: 212-217.

66. Ren X, Weng QM, Zhu LL, He GC (2004) Dynamic mapping of quantitative trait loci for resistance to brown planthopper in rice. Cereal Research Communications 32:31-38.

67. Wang XL, Ren X, Zhu LL, He GC (2004) OsBi1, a rice gene encodes a novel protein with a CBS-like domain and its expression is induced in responses to herbivore. Plant Science 166:1581-1588.

68. Ren X, Wang XL, Yuan HY, Weng QM, Zhu LL, He GC (2004) Mapping QTLs and ESTs related to brown planthopper resistance in rice. Plant Breeding 123:342-348.

69. Yang HY, You AQ, Yang ZF, Zhang FT, He RF, Zhu LL, He GC (2004) High-resolution genetic mapping at the Bph15 locus for brown planthopper resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Theoretical and Applied Genetics 110: 182-191.

70. Wang XL, Weng QM, You AQ, Zhu LL, He GC (2003) Cloning and characterization of rice RH3 gene induced by brown planthopper. Chinese Science Bulletin 48:1976-1981.

71. Weng QM, Huang Z, Wang XL, Zhu LL, He GC (2003) In situ localization of proteinase inhibitor mRNA in rice plant challenged with brown planthopper. Chinese Science Bulletin 48:979-982

72. Shi ZY, Ren X, Weng QM, Li XH, He GC (2003) Construction of genomic library of a BPH- resistant rice line with binary vector and physical map of Qbp1 locus. Plant Science 1165:879-885.

73. He RF, Wang YY, Shi ZY, Ren X, Zhu LL, Weng QM, He GC (2003) Construction of genomic library of wild rice and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of large insert DNA linked to BPH resistance locus. Gene 321:113-121.

74. Tan GX, Weng QM, Ren X, Huang Z, Zhu LL, He GC (2004). Two Whitebacked Planthopper Resistance Genes in rice Share the Same Loci with Those for Brown Planthopper Resistance. Heredity 92 (3), 212–217.

75. Chen RZ, Weng QM, Huang Z, Zhu LL, He GC (2002) Analysis of resistance-related proteins in rice against brown planthopper by two-dimensional electrophoresis. J Integr Plant Biol 44(4):427-432,

76. Yang HY, Ren X, Weng QM, Zhu LL, He GC (2002) Molecular mapping and genetic analysis of a rice brown planthopper (Niaparvata lugens Stal) resistance gene. Hereditas 136:39-43.

77. Wang BN, Huang Z, Shui LH, Ren X, Li XH, He GC (2001) Mapping of two new brown planthopper resistance genes from wild rice. Chinese Science Bulletin 46:1092-1095.

78. Huang Z, He GC, Shu LH, Li XH, Zhang QF (2001) Identification and mapping of two brown planthopper resistance genes in rice. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 102:929-934.

79. He GC, Shu LH (1998) Cryopreservation and protoplast regeneration of wild rice Oryza meyeriana. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences 41:393-399.



职称 教授 实验室地址 当代楼杂交水稻全国重点实验室305
联系电话 86-27-68752384 Email gche@whu.edu.cn
入选时间 学科专业 遗传学
研究方向 分子遗传学
