2005-2010 44118太阳成城集团,博士
2001-2005 华中师范大学44118太阳成城集团,学士
2014-至 今 44118太阳成城集团,副教授
2015-2016 加拿大卡尔加里大学生物科学系,访问学者
2010-2014 44118太阳成城集团,讲师
2010-2012 44118太阳成城集团,师资博士后
2023 西藏自治区科学技术奖一等奖(个人排名:5/12)
2022 44118太阳成城集团优秀班级导师
2020 太阳集团44118备用址本科优秀教学业绩奖
2018 44118太阳成城集团优秀本科教学奖
2018 44118太阳成城集团优秀烛光导航师
2015 太阳集团44118备用址珞珈青年学者
2013 44118太阳成城集团985工程青年学者
2011 湖北省优秀博士论文(《高山草甸群落内植物与传粉者相互作用的研究》)
2021-至今 热带亚热带植物学报,编委
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:是敌是友?食花者与微生物在西南鸢尾虫媒传粉中的作用(2020-2023),主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:微生物在裸子植物小叶买麻藤虫媒传粉中的生态功能研究(2017-2020),主持
3. 深圳市科技创新委员会技术攻关项目:买麻藤科植物基因组学系统研究(2014-2017),课题骨干
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:高山植物群落传粉系统的时空变异研究(2012-2014),主持
5. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目:神农架植物群落传粉系统的基本属性和时空动态(2011-2012),主持
Deng GC, Dai C, Song QQ, Zhang YX, Zhang XX, Wang XF*, F, Gong YB*. 2024. Disruption of pollination by herbivores is rescued by nectar yeasts. Journal of Ecology, 112: 1719-1730. (cover story)
Teng Y, Villalobos S, Vamosi JC, Wang XF*, Gong YB*. 2024. Diurnal versus nocturnal pollination in a subalpine wetland: From network structure to plant reproduction. Global Ecology and Conservation, 49: e02798.
Teng Y, Vamosi JC, Wang XF*, Gong YB*. 2024. Constructing more comprehensive pollination networks: integrating diurnal and nocturnal pollen data with visitation in a subalpine wetland community. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15:1464970.
Duan YW*, Ren MX*, Gong YB*, Tian B*, Caujape-Castells J*. 2024. Editorial: Molecular ecology of plant sexual reproduction. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15: 1362777.
Wan T#, Gong YB#, Liu ZM, Zhou YD, Dai C, Wang QF*. 2022. Evolution of complex genome architecture in gymnosperms. GigaScience, 11: 1-10.
Yang M#, Wan T#, Dai C, Zou CX, Liu F, Gong YB*. 2021. Modern honeybees disrupt the pollination of an ancient gymnosperm, Gnetum luofuense. Ecology, 102: e03497.
Dai C*#, Gong YB#, Liu F, Hu GW, Fu PC, Wang SW, Ouyang JX, Zhang LH, Zhou YD, Yan X, Liu X, Wan T, Wang QF*. 2021. Touch induces rapid floral closure in gentians. Science Bulletin, 67: 577-580.
Wan T#, Liu ZM#, Leitch IJ#, Xin HP#, Maggs-Kolling G#, Gong YB#, et al. 2021. The Welwitschia genome reveals a unique biology underpinning extreme longevity in deserts. Nature Communications, 12: 4247.
Dai C, Chen Q, Wan T, Liu F, Gong YB, Wang QF*. 2021. Literary runaway: Increasingly more references cited per academic research article from 1980 to 2019. Plos One, 16: e0255849.
Ling X, Zhang YZ*, Cao Y, Wan T, Gong YB, Dai C, Ochieng WA, Nasimiyu AT, Li W, Liu F*. 2020. Glutamate dehydrogenase plays an important role in ammonium detoxification by submerged macrophytes. Science of The Total Environment, 722: 137859.
Yang M, Deng GC, Gong YB*, Huang SQ*. 2019. Nectar yeasts enhance the interaction between Clematis akebioides and its bumblebee pollinator. Plant Biology, 31: 272-279.
Wan T#, Liu ZM#, Li LF#, Leitch AR#, Leitch IJ#, Lohaus R#, Liu ZJ#, Xin HP, Gong YB, et al. 2018. A genome for gnetophytes and early evolution of seed plants. Nature Plants, 4: 82-89.
Dai C*, Luo WJ, Gong YB, Liu F, Wang ZX. 2018. Resource reallocation patterns within Sagittaria trifolia inflorescences following differential pollination. American Journal of Botany, 105: 803-811.
Zhu YR, Yang M, Vamosi JC, Armbruster WS, Wan T, Gong YB*. 2017. Feed the enemy: loss of nectar and nectaries to herbivores reduces tepal damage and increases pollinator attraction in Iris bylleyana. Biology Letters, 13: 20170271.
Vamosi JC*, Gong YB, Adamowicz SJ, Packer L. 2017. Forecasting pollination declines through DNA barcoding: the potential contributions of macroecological and macroevolutionary scales of inquiry. New Phytologist, 214: 11-18.
Gong YB*, Yang M, Vamosi JC, Yang HM, Mu WX, Li JK, Wan T*. 2016. Wind or insect pollination? Ambophily in a subtropical gymnosperm Gnetum parvifolium (Gnetales). Plant Species Biology, 31: 272-279.
Li JK, Xu H, Song YP, Tang LL, Gong YB, Yu RL, Shen L, Wu XL, Liu YD, Zeng WM*. 2016. Geography plays a more important role than soil composition on structuring genetic variation of pseudometallophyte Commelina communis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7: 1085.
Gong YB, Huang SQ*. 2014. Interspecific variation in pollen-ovule ratio is negatively correlated with pollen transfer efficiency in a natural community. Plant Biology, 16: 843-847.
Gong YB, Huang SQ*. 2011. Temporal stability of pollinator preference in an alpine community and its implications for evolution of floral traits. Oecologia, 166: 671-680.
Gong YB, Huang SQ*. 2009. Floral symmetry: pollinator-mediated stabilizing selection on flower size in bilateral species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 276: 4013-4020.
Armbruster WS*, Gong YB, Huang SQ*. 2011. Are pollination “syndromes” predictive? Asian Dalechampia fit neotropical models. The American Naturalist, 178: 135-143.
Sun JF, Gong YB, Renner SS, Huang SQ*. 2008. Multifunctional bracts in the dove tree Davidia involucrata (Nyssaceae: Cornales): rain protection and pollinator attraction. The American Naturalist, 171: 119-124.
宋晴晴, 龚燕兵*. 2023. 花蜜微生物与传粉者的相互作用:现状与展望. 生物资源, 45: 403-411.
张柳桦, 雷小春, 龚燕兵*. 2022. 昆虫植食对植物有性生殖的影响. 生物资源, 44: 335-343.
邹晓春, 龚燕兵*. 2021. 传粉者友好型城市:现状与展望. 生物资源, 43: 597-605.
张伟, 何承斌, 龚燕兵*. 2019. 鸢尾属植物的传粉者吸引及异交策略. 植物科学学报, 37: 672-681.
朱亚如, 龚燕兵*. 2017. 风媒传粉的研究方法探讨. 生物多样性, 25: 864-873.
龚燕兵, 黄双全*. 2007. 传粉昆虫行为的研究方法探讨. 生物多样性, 15: 576-583.