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Merck Innovation Cup 2016

作者: 发布时间:2015-10-29 浏览:

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

Merck KGaA will conduct from July 3-8, 2016, the 6th Merck Innovation Cup Summer Camp, an initiative offering a chance for advanced students in life sciences and business administration programs to attend a one week training program at Merck. This initiative is designed to support the professional development of post-graduate students interested in the pharmaceutical industry and also delivers new innovative approaches covering unmet medical need.

The cup is completely free, all travel, accommodation and food are paid by Merck!

The Innovation Cup brings together a promising new generation of talent in a meeting of the generations with senior Merck managers and researchers and accomplished Merck retirees. A video showing an overview of the event and statements from previous participants can be viewed here:

Post-graduate students in the life sciences field on their way towards a PhD in biology, medicine, biotechnology, bioinformatics, biochemistry, pharmacy, engineering or related fields are invited to apply. In addition, advanced MBA students or recent MBA graduates with an interest in the pharmaceutical business and a background in life sciences are also eligible. Postdocs can apply, too!

Participants have the chance to win with their team the Merck Innovation Cup award - EUR 20,000 for the most convincing project plan worked out during the summer camp plus EUR 5,000 for the runner-up.

We at Merck are very interested to attract students from your institution to this event.

Please make this initiative known to students at your institution and encourage them to apply for the summer camp!!!

Enclosed here you also find a poster and flyer file announcing the event. Please let me know if you are also interested to get hard copies. We will ship them to you immediately.

Should you consider yourself not to be the right person in your institution to be addressed concerning this event, we would appreciate if you could please forward this message to the relevant colleagues.

Please also let us know the contact details of the right person to be addressed.

If you want to be removed from our mailing list, please answer this message by adding "unsubscribe" to the subject line of the reply.

We are looking forward very much to receiving applications and to welcoming students from your institution. Thank you very much for your support.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Best regards

Uli Betz


Dr. Ulrich Betz

Senior Director │Department Head Innovation & Entrepreneurship Incubator



Merck KGaA│Frankfurter Str. 250│Postcode F131/104│D-64293 Darmstadt│Germany

Phone: +49 6151 72 8175│Fax: +49 6151 72 91 8175

E-mail: ulrich.betz@merckgroup.comwww.merckgroup.com

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