生命科学前沿论坛:Reading the Histone Code

发布时间 : 2018/11/15点击量:
报告题目:Reading the Histone Code
报 告 人:石晓冰 教授 Van Andel Research Institute/Center for Epigenetics

  石晓冰博士,教授。44118太阳成城集团学士,中科院上海生命科学院博士,斯坦福大学Arthur Kornberg 及 Or Gozani实验室博士后。石晓冰教授对表观遗传修饰调控及其在肿瘤发生发展过程中作用进行了较为详尽的研究,取得一系列重要以及领域内突破性成果,在Cell, Nature, Mol Cell, Cell Research, Nature communications, Cell Reports, PNAS等国际著名杂志以责任作者身份发表论文十余篇。其研究获得NIH / NCI、罗伯特韦尔奇基金会、美国癌症协会、白血病和淋巴瘤协会和德克萨斯州癌症预防研究所的大力资助。同时,石教授荣获Kimmel学者奖和首届R. Lee Clark奖等奖项。

1.Mi WY #, Zhang Y #, Yu JL#, Wang XL, Tong Q, Peng DN, Xue YM, Tencer AH., Wen H, Li W, Kutateladze TG*, Shi X*. The ZZ-type zinc finger of ZZZ3 modulates the ATAC complex-mediated histone acetylation and gene activation. Nat Commun 2018, 9: 3759.
2..Wan L#, Wen H, Li Y, Lyu J, Xi Y, Hoshii T, Joseph JK, Wang X, Loh YE, Erb MA, Souza AL, Bradner JE, Shen L, Li W, Li H, Allis CD*, Armstrong SA*, Shi X*. ENL links histone acetylation to oncogenic gene expression in acute myeloid leukaemia. Nature 2017,543(7644):265-269.
3. Zhang X#, Peng D, Xi Y, Yuan C, Sagum CA, Klein BJ, Tanaka K, Wen H, Kutateladze TG, Li W, Bedford MT, Shi X*. G9a-mediated methylation of ERα links the PHF20/MOF histone acetyltransferase complex to hormonal gene expression. Nat Commun 2016, 7:10810.
4. Li Y#, Wen H, Xi Y, Tanaka K, Wang H, Peng D, Ren Y, Jin Q, Li W, Li H*, Shi X*. AF9 YEATS domain links histone acetylation to DOT1L-mediated H3K79 methylation. Cell 2014, 159(3):558-571.
5. Wen H#, Li Y#, Xi Y#, Jiang S, Stratton S, Peng D, Tanaka K, Ren Y, Xia Z, Li B, Barton MC, Li W*, Li H*, Shi X*. ZMYND11 links histone H3.3K36me3 to transcription elongation and tumour suppression. Nature 2014,508(7495):263-8.
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