报告题目:Single cell RNA sequencing data analysis
报 告 人:Junwen Wang Professor
Mayo Clinic Arizona & Arizona State University
Dr.Junwen Wang is a Professor of Biomedical Informatics at Department of Health Science Research and Center for Individualized Medicine, and holds a secondary appointment at Department of Molecular Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics at Mayo Clinic and affiliate professorship at ASU College of Health Solutions. He obtained his MS degree from University of Pennsylvania, and PhD degree from University of Washington. His research focuses on bioinformatics, gene network inference and methodology development. Dr.Wang has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and was awarded outstanding young researcher award at the University of Hong Kong. He has trained many PhD students, two of them were awarded outstanding postgraduate student at HKU. He is now supervising graduate students from ASU's college of health solutions and college of Computing, and undergraduate students from ASU's Barrett honor college.