【加州大学河滨分校(UC Riverside)汪寅生教授招聘博士后】

发布时间 : 2021/04/30点击量:

加州大学河滨分校(UC Riverside)汪寅生教授近期招聘博士后。汪寅生教授长期从事化学生物学研究,研究领域包括蛋白质组学、DNA损伤和修复、表观遗传学、环境毒理学等。已在Nat Chem Biol, PNAS, JACS, Nat Commun等学术期刊上发表研究和综述论文约300余篇。拟招收2-3名博士后。

Postdoc Positions at UC Riverside

Multiple postdoc positions are open in the laboratory of Prof. Yinsheng Wang at the University of California Riverside(https://profiles.ucr.edu/app/home/profile/yinsheng). Potential research projects will involve: (1) the identification and functional characterizations of nucleotide- and nucleic acid-binding proteins; (2) the investigations about the repair and biological consequences of DNA adducts in human cells; (3) biological functions of modified nucleosides in RNA. The candidates will be exposed to a highly interdisciplinary research environment, where a combination of mass spectrometry-based bioanalytical chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, as well as genetic (e.g. CRISPR-Cas9), genomic (various next-generation sequencing methods), and bioinformatic approaches are used in research.

Here are representative publications:

You, C.; et al. A quantitative assay for assessing the effects of DNA lesions on transcription. Nat. Chem. Biol., 2012, 8, 817-822.

Williams, P.; et al. Identification of SLIRP as a G quadruplex-binding protein. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017, 139,12426–12429.

You, C.; Dai, X. and Wang, Y.* Position-dependent effects of regioisomeric methylated adenine and guanine ribonucleosides on translation. Nucleic Acids Res., 2017, 45,9059-9067.

Li, L.; et al. SLIRP interacts with helicases to facilitate 2'-O-methylation of ribosomal RNA and to promote translation. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 10958-10961.

Miao, W.; et al. HSP90 inhibitors stimulate DNAJB4 protein expression through a mechanism involving N6-methyladenosine. Nat. Commun., 2019, 10, 3613.

Li, L.; Williams, P.; Ren, W.; Wang, M.Y.; Gao, Z.; Miao, W.; Huang, M.; Song, J. and Wang, Y.* YY1 interacts with guanine quadruplexes to regulate DNA looping and gene expression.Nat. Chem. Biol.,2021,17, 161-168.

A Ph. D. in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, or genetics is required. Strong backgrounds in mass spectrometry, synthetic organic chemistry, molecular biology, and/or genetics are particularly welcome.To apply, please send your CV/resume to Yinsheng (yinsheng@ucr.edu), and arrange for two letters of references to be sent directly to Yinsheng.

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