
发布时间 : 2018/03/21点击量:

PhD Position

Structural Mechanisms of Ubiquitination Enzymesin Disease

We invite applications for a PhD position in the research group of Dr.Sonja Lorenz at the Rudolf Virchow Center for Experimental Biomedicine,Würzburg,Germany.

The successful applicant will have the opportunity to enroll in the‘Graduate School of Life Sciences’ in Würzburg– aprestigious international PhD program funded by the German Excellence Initiative.

The Lorenz lab is supported by the Emmy Noether Program ofthe German Research Foundation and the EMBO Young Investigator Program among other sources.Weaim to uncover the catalytic and regulatory mechanisms of ubiquitination enzymes and their functions in cancer signalling and infection.Ourlab combines structural biology (X-ray crystallography,NMR spectroscopy, cryo-EM)with biochemical and cell biological analyses.

The Rudolf Virchow Center is a highly competitive international research institute with an outstanding technical infrastructure. The Lorenz lab has access to state-of-the-art instrumentation in X-ray crystallography, high-field NMR, cryo-EM, and an extensive range of modern biophysical and cell biological equipment.We are integrated into a stimulating research environment tha tincludes the Biocenter,the Institute for Molecular Infection Biology, the Helmholtz Institute for RNA-BasedInfection Research, the Max Planck Research Group for Systems Immunology, and the university hospital inWürzburg.

Applicants should have a M.Sc. or comparable degree in in molecular biology, biochemistry or a related discipline and a strong interest in structure-function studies on proteins. Experience in protein biochemistry and biophysical techniques is desirable. Good English language skills are essential; knowledge of German is not required.

The position can start immediately or upon mutual agreement. Salary will be according to the German TV scale. In case of equivalent qualifications, disabled applicants will be preferentially considered. Würzburg is located in the beautiful, wine-growing area of Franconia and in proximity to Frank- furt (1 hour by train) and Munich (2 hours by train).

Applications should be sent to Sonja Lorenz by email (sonja.lorenz@virchow.uni?wuerzburg.de) and are expected to include a letter of motivation detailing research interests and expertise,a CV,and the contact information for at least two references. Review of applications will begin immediately.

Lab homepages:

http://www.virchow.uni=wuerzburg.de/lab_pages/slorenzhttp://www.rudolf=virchow=zentrum.de/en/research/research=groups/lorenz=group/research.html Sonja Lorenz, PhD

Rudolf Virchow Center for Experimental Biomedicine

Josef-Schneider-Strasse 2, Haus D15

97080 Würzburg Germany

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