










2005.09–2010.06 中国科学院水生生物研究所 博士

2001.09–2005.06 太阳集团44118备用址生物科学 本科


2014.07–至今 44118太阳成城集团 副教授

2014.03–2014.06 中国科学院水生生物研究所 访问学者

2010.08–2013.10 美国匹兹堡大学药学院 博士后


胆固醇是哺乳动物细胞中含量最丰富的甾醇类分子,为动物细胞生存所必需,具有重要的生理功能。首先胆固醇是动物细胞细胞膜的重要组成成分,占质膜脂类的20%以上,其作为细胞和环境之间的屏障可以调节细胞膜的流动性、通透性和相变。其次胆固醇是体内所有的类固醇激素和胆酸合成的前体物质,参与体内的正常代谢。最后胆固醇在神经系统的发育中也起着重要的作用。胆固醇的代谢紊乱会导致一系列严重的疾病,例如心血管疾病、动脉粥样硬化和胆结石等。有证据表明,肥胖症、糖尿病以及阿尔海默氏病 (Alzheimer’s Disease,老年痴呆症) 也与胆固醇代谢的紊乱有关。我们的研究兴趣是胆固醇代谢平衡调控与代谢性疾病发生机理。主要研究方向包括:1)小肠胆固醇吸收的分子途径;2)细胞内胆固醇动态运输的分子机制;3)胆固醇代谢调控的信号转导途径和机理;4)胆固醇代谢的药靶系统及新药研发。


1.Xiongjie Shi, Qiuqiong Cheng, Leyuan Xu, Jiong Yan, Mengxi Jiang, Jinhan He, Meishu Xu, Maja Stefanovic-Racic, Ian Sipula, Robert Martin O'Doherty, Shunlin Ren, Wen Xie. Cholesterol Sulfate and Cholesterol Sulfotransferase Inhibit Gluconeogenesis by Targeting HNF4α. Mol. Cell. Biol.2014. vol. 34 no. 3 485-497

2. Jinhan He, Bingfang Hu, Xiongjie Shi, Eric R Weidert, Peipei Lu, Meishu Xu, Min Huang, Eric E Kelley, Wen Xie. Activation of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Sensitizes Mice to Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis by Deactivating Mitochondrial Sirtuin Deacetylase Sirt3. Mol. Cell. Biol. 2013, 33 (10) 2047-2055

3. ZhiminOu*, Xiongjie Shi*, Richard K Gilroy, LeventKirisci, Marjorie Romkes, Caitlin Lynch, Hongbing Wang, Meishu Xu, Mengxi Jiang, Songrong Ren, Roberto Gramignoli, Stephen C Strom, Min Huang, Wen Xie. Regulation of the Human Hydroxysteroid Sulfotransferase (SULT2A1) by RORα and RORγ and Its Potential Relevance to Human Liver Diseases. Molecular Endocrinology 2013, 27 (1), 106-115. * Z.O. and X.S. contributed equally to this work.

4. Jie Gao, Jinhan He, Xiongjie Shi, Maja Stefanovic-Racic, Meishu Xu, Robert Martin O’Doherty, Adolfo Garcia-Ocana, Wen Xie. Sex-specific effect of estrogen sulfotransferase on mouse models of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 2012, 61 (6), 1543-1551.

5. Xiongjie Shi, Leo W. Y. Yeung, Paul K. S. Lam, Rudolf S. S. Wu, and Bingsheng Zhou. Protein Profiles in Zebrafish (Daniorerio) Embryos Exposed to PFOS. Toxicol. Sci. 2009, 110:334-40.

6. Xiongjie Shi, Chunsheng Liu, Guoqiao Wu, and Bingsheng Zhou. Waterborne exposure to PFOS causes disruption of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis in zebrafish larvae. Chemosphere. 2009, 77:1010-8.

7. Xiongjie Shi, Yongbing Du, Paul K.S. Lam, Rudolf S.S. Wu and Bingsheng Zhou. Developmental toxicity and alteration of gene expression in zebrafish embryos exposed to PFOS. Toxicol Appl. pharmacol. 2008, 230: 23-32.

8. Xiongjie Shi, Chunsheng Liu, Yu Ke, Den Jun, Liqin Yu, Bingsheng Zhou. Progress of Toxicological Research on Environmental Endocrine Disruptors and Perspectives. Environ. Chem. (In Chinese), 2009, 21: 340-349.

9. Xiongjie Shi, Bingsheng Zhou. The Role of Nrf2 and MAPK Pathways in PFOS-induced Oxidative Stress in Zebrafish Embryos. Toxicol. Sci. 2010, 115:391-400.

10. Yanhong Wei, Xiongjie Shi, Hongxia Zhang, Jianshe Wang, Bingsheng Zhou, and Jiayin Dai. Combined effects of polyfluorinated and perfluorinated compounds on primary cultured hepatocytes from rare minnow (Gobiocyprisrarus) using toxicogenomic analysis. Aquat. Toxicol. 2009, 95:27-36.

11. Liqin Yu, Jun Deng, Xiongjie Shi, Chunsheng Liu, Ke Yu, and Bingsheng Zhou. Exposure to DE-71 alters thyroid hormone levels and gene transcription in the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis of zebrafish larvae. Aquat. Toxicol. 2009, doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2009.10.022.

12. Jun Deng, Liqin Yu, Chunsheng Liu, Ke Yu, Xiongjie Shi, Leo W.Y. Yeung, Paul K.S. Lam, Rudolf S. S. Wu and Bingsheng Zhou. Hexabromocyclododecane-induced developmental toxicity and apoptosis in zebrafish embryos. Aquat. Toxicol. 2009, 93: 29-36.

13. Chunsheng Liu, Ke Yu, Xiongjie Shi, Jingxian Wang, Paul K.S. Lam, Rudolf S.S. Wu and Bingsheng Zhou. Induction of oxidative stress and apoptosis by PFOS and PFOA in primary cultured hepatocytes of freshwater tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus). Aquat. Toxicol. 2007, 82: 135-143.

14. M.K. So, Y. Miyake, W.Y. Yeung, Y.M. Ho, S. Taniyasu, P. Rostkowski, N. Yamashita,, Bingsheng Zhou, Xiongjie Shi, J.X. Wang, J.P. Giesy, H. Yu and P.K.S. Lam. Perfluorinated compounds in the Pearl River and Yangtze River of China. Chemosphere. 2007, 68: 2085-2095.

15. Yongbing Du, Xiongjie Shi, Chunsheng Liu, Ke Yu and Bingsheng Zhou. Chronic effects of water-borne PFOS exposure on growth, survival and hepatotoxicity in zebrafish: A partial life-cycle test. Chemosphere. 2009, 74: 723-9.

16. Jingxian Wang, Xiongjie Shi, Yongbin Du and Bingsheng Zhou. Effects of xenoestrogens on the expression of vitellogenin (vtg) and cytochrome P450 aromatase (cyp19a and b) genes in zebrafish (Daniorerio) larvae. J Environ Sci Health ATox Hazard Subst Environ Eng. 2011; 46(9):960-7.

职称 副教授 实验室地址 44118太阳成城集团大楼1132房间
联系电话 Email xjshi@whu.edu.cn
入选时间 学科专业 生物化学
研究方向 胆固醇代谢
